Finding a Free Port in Go
I like testing Go HTTP servers by starting a new temporary web server. I usually have 10s-100s of tests, so if these tests are to run in parallel then the web servers need to start on random, free ports.
I prefer keeping codebases to the standard library, so here's the snippet that tends to get reproduced in my projects.
The approach is to first bind to a random open port using the standard library's helper for that. Then retrieve the now-bound port number, close the socket listening on the port and hand the port over to our web server.
This approach does mean there's potential for a race condition between closing the bound port and opening it in the test web server, but every engineering approach has drawbacks and this one's no different.
import "net"
func newTestServer(t *testing.T) OurCustomServer {
listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", "localhost:0")
if err != nil {
freePort := listener.Addr().String()
server := newServer(freePort)
return server
I like taking some time to write this sort of code out by hand; although ChatGPT can undoubtedly knock this out in seconds, taking the time to write this down and understand it reminds me that Moving Fastest isn't one of my values. I prefer mastery of fundamentals.
A lot of our career is spent trying to achieve the next functionality so that $STARTUP has a chance at winning the market. It's nice sometimes to take a breath and implement something simple and rock solid.